Anal Gland Expression

A necessary procedure to prevent discomfort and potential complications caused by gland blockages.

All dogs have anal glands however, many never experience any issues. The glands discharge a secretion every time your dog defecates. The secretion acts as a lubricant and a scent marker. The anal glands can become excessively full or impacted. Scooting or excessive licking are common signs alerting owners to an issue. This is where we can help! During an appointment, the veterinarian inserts a finger into the rectum and manually expresses the material. The veterinarian will also look for signs of infection or growths. For dogs who have ongoing issues, some clients prefer to book their dog’s in for regular appointments to prevent buildup, potential infections and discomfort.

Should I drain my dog’s anal glands at home?

For dogs with ongoing issues or have a history of impaction, our veterinarians can instruct you to do this in the comfort of your own home.

If my dog scoots on the carpet a lot, does this mean their anal glands are impacted?

Some scooting can be normal behaviour for some dogs. However, multiple scooting episodes provide a good clinical sign for uncomfortable anal glands. Some dogs will also excessively lick the area as well. These dogs should be seen by your veterinarian to rule out an infection or impaction. Other causes of itching such as allergies and parasites could result in similar symptoms.

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