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Dog Park: Do's and Don’ts
Dog Park: Do’s and Don’ts

Dog Park: Do's and Don’ts

Before bringing your dog to an off-leash dog park for the first time, check this list of “Do’s and Don’ts” to follow when bringing your dog to an off-leash dog park:

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The Risks of a Retractable Leash
The Risks of a Retractable Leash

The Risks of a Retractable Leash

Retractable leashes offer more dog roaming freedom but pose risks unknown to many owners, unlike standard 6-foot leashes.

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How Many Calories Are in That Treat?
How Many Calories Are in That Treat?

How Many Calories Are in That Treat?

Offering treats to pets, whether for tricks or cuteness, presents numerous choices for dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and birds of various sizes.

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Can My Dog Swim?
Can My Dog Swim?

Can My Dog Swim?

Not all breeds are instinctive swimmers, so make sure you properly teach your dog how to swim before taking them to open water.

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Dog Treats
Dog treats

Dog Treats

Discover 3 homemade frozen dog treat recipes: apple-chicken Freezer Pops, Banana Pumpkin Popsicles, and Strawberry-Banana Smoothie Treats, all easy and healthy for your pup.

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Don’t Drive with a Dog on Your Lap!
Don’t Drive with a Dog on Your Lap!

Don’t Drive with a Dog on Your Lap!

Keep dogs in backseat or hatch with harnesses or grills; carriers secured by seatbelts ensure safety and prevent driving distractions.

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Pet Travel Safety
Pet Travel Safety

Pet Travel Safety

Pack essentials for pet travel: leash, toys, blanket, treats, water, food, bowls, meds, ID, vaccinations, and first aid kit.

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Water Intoxication in Dogs
Water Intoxication in Dogs

Water Intoxication in Dogs

Does your dog like to play in the water? Too much of a good thing can be dangerous, so look out for water intoxication!

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Be Tick Smart
Be Tick Smart

Be Tick Smart

Ticks, living up to two years and feeding thrice for life stages, emerge in Canada, posing health risks to pets and owners.

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Good-bye Winter, Hello Spring!
Good-bye Winter, Hello Spring!

Good-bye Winter, Hello Spring!

Before you embark on seasonal chores or outdoor revelry, take inventory of potential springtime hazards for your furry friends.

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Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is one of the most common tick-transmitted diseases in the world but only causes symptoms in 5-10% of affected dogs.

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A Day In the Life of A Kennel Attendant
A Day In the Life of A Kennel Attendant

A Day In the Life of A Kennel Attendant

Ever wondered what a day in the life of a kennel attendant looks like? Morning to Evening Pet Care, Cleaning, Walks, and Love for Dogs, Cats, and Exotic Animals.

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